Statutory Committees
Anti Ragging

In view of the directions of the Honorable Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009, to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 read with Section 10(b), (g), (p) and (q) of AICTE Act, 1987, the All India Council for Technical Education has notified Regulations for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions vide Order No 37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 dated 01.07.2009 available on AICTE web-portal All AICTE approved Technical Institutions have to comply with the provisions made in the above Regulations. Any violation of above AICTE Regulations for the prevention and prohibition of ragging, shall call for punitive action against erring Institutions as per the provisions made the above said Regulations. Students in distress due to ragging related incidents can call the National Anti-Ragging Helpline No. 1800-180-5522 (24×7 Toll Free) or e-mail:

Internal Complaints Committee

Responsibilities of the Technical Institution as per Gender Sensitization, prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions (All India Council for Technical Education Regulations, 2016).

The committee on prevention of sexual harassment of working women in compliance with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court is formed which comprises of following members.

To lay down the procedure to provide protection to all women who fall within the jurisdiction including its academic, non-academic staff (including administrative staff), students, elimination & protection against inequality, gender bias, acts of sexual harassment in the workplace and in the course of service and study

Grievance Redressal Committee

In order to provide opportunities for redressal of certain grievances of students already enrolled in any institution, as well as for those seeking admission to such institutions, AICTE has notified All India Council for Technical Education (Redressal of Grievance of Students) Regulations, 2019 vide F. No. 1-101/PGRC/AICTE/Regulation/2019 dated 07.11.2019 for establishment of grievance redressal mechanism for all AICTE approved Technical Institutions. A complaint from an aggrieved student relating to the institution shall be addressed to the Chairperson, Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC).

  • Each institution shall, within a period of three months from the date of issue of this notification, have an online portal where any aggrieved student may submit an application seeking redressal of grievance.
  • On receipt of an online complaint, the institution shall refer the complaint to the appropriate Student Grievance Redressal Committee, along with its comments within 15days of receipt of complaint on the online portal.
  • The Student Grievance Redressal Committee, as the case may be, shall fix a date for hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the institution and the aggrieved student.
  • An aggrieved person may appear either in person or authorize a representative to present his/her case.
  • Grievances not resolved by the Student Grievance Redressal Committee shall be referred to the Ombudsperson, within the time period provided in these  Regulations.
  • Institutions shall extend co-operation to the Ombudsperson or the Student Grievance Redressal Committee, in early redressal of grievances; and failure to do so may be reported by the Ombudsperson to the Council, which shall take action in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
  • The Ombudsperson shall, after giving reasonable opportunities of being heard to both parties, on the conclusion of proceedings, pass such order, with reasons therefore as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide such relief as may be appropriate to the aggrieved student.
  • The institution, as well as the aggrieved student, shall be provided with copies of the order under the signature of the Ombudsperson, and the institution shall place it for general information on its website.
  • The institution shall comply with the recommendations of the Ombudsperson; and the Ombudsperson shall report to the Council any failure on the part of the institution to comply with the recommendations.
  • The Ombudsperson may recommend appropriate action against the complainant, where a complaint is found to be false or frivolous.
Internal Committee for the Students with Disabilities

In compliance of the Direction of the UGC for the Students with Disabilities at the institute an Internal Committee for the Students with Disabilities is formed, The main objective are to ensure a disable friendly campus for all disable students, and to address any problems and requirements

  1. Internal Committee for the Students with Disabilities
Equal Opportunity Cell

The Equal oppurtunity Cell was set up by the Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies to address the issues concerning SC, ST, OBC, Minorities and Persona with Disabilities

  1. Equal Opportunity Cell
Committee for SC/ST

In compliance of the directions of the AICTE regarding prevention of atrocities in college/institutions a committee for S.C./ S.T. is formed consisting of following members:
Chairperson:  Mr. Somendra Kumar, Dean Students’ Welfare, RDIAS -011-27867301

Members:  Mr. Sunil Kumar Yadav, Assistant Professor, RDIAS -011-27867301
Dr. Smita Mishra, Professor, RDIAS -011-27867301
Ms. Smita Dey, General Staff, RDIAS -011-27867301

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