All MBAs aren’t engendered similarly, so make sure you select your program and your institute rightly.

If you are thinking of doing MBA, your story from school to employment begins.  The core and elective subjects of MBA Curriculum are like building blocks of career. Elective subjects are like toppings on the pizza. You can add toppings, no toppings, extra cheese, no cheese and any flavor as per preference.

To begin with let’s start with few myths:

  • You need to be super-intelligent to clear CAT/CMAT/CET.
  • Students with brilliant and extraordinary academic education can get into MBA Course.
  • The amount required to do MBA course is very high.
  • First get certain years of work experience and then prepare for MBA course.
  • The market is filled with MBA graduates; the demand for MBA graduates is decreasing due to the unavailability of employment opportunities. So, supply of MBA graduates is more and demand for them is less.

Let’s check reality:

  • An average student can also accomplish 92-95% percentile score. All that needs is appropriate preparation, planning and hard work.
  • The government has extensive schemes for Education loans and your MBA dream cannot be killed just for the want of money.
  • Salary package post MBA would be a lot higher.
  • The work experience as an MBA graduate would be more pertinent and catch improved job openings.
  • Majority industries, companies and businesses needs and involves virtuous, worthy executives, managers, administrators, subject matter specialist and experts.
  • You can also choose a specific industry such as healthcare, real estate, agribusiness, energy, retail, information technology, investment banking, education, not-for-profit enterprise, entrepreneurship after completing MBA.
  • MBA degree enhances market value of candidate.
  • Reduces skill gap and improves Networking.
  • MBA results in weighted Resume by adding live projects, internships additional skill acquisition courses to the skillset.

Act Wisely to your Goal:

  • Entrance Exam Accepted, Recognized & their Cut Off: Check your eligibility.
  • MBA vs. PGDM: Select category of MBA College carefully. 
  • Fee: Analyze aggregate amount you will pay.
  • Placements: Examine average salary and Top recruiters.
  • Ranking & Accreditation: Believe the best.
  • Faculty: The utmost significant criteria, inquire intelligently.
  • Location: Select Top Cities for MBA, or Top Colleges.
  • Specialization/ Elective Subject: Match your ability and aptitude.
  • Alumni Base: Network counts and matters.
  • Infrastructure& Facilities: Virtuous ambience supports great learning.

What is it that you really wanted when you started researching for MBA Colleges? Knowledge?  Money? A new career?

With starry eyes you can add on more bonuses to new career; just need to choose wisely and mindfully.

Dr. Pooja
Professor, RDIAS

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(AS 2025-26)
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